Beyond Goodbye: Understanding the Transformative Process of Grief

Every human being experiences grief at some point in their lives. It is a complex and very private process that comes after a loved one passes away, you go through a big life transition, or even a significant relationship ends. Even while grieving can be excruciating and exhausting, it is a necessary step on the road to recovery. Being in grief is a normal reaction to loss. It includes a spectrum of feelings, including relief, perplexity, remorse, rage, and even melancholy. Realizing that every person's grieving experience is different and that there is no right or wrong way to grieve is essential. Respect your feelings and have patience as it happens.

After a loss, you almost instantly start to deal with grief. When we start the coping process, we are typically unaware of it. That's alright; just remember that you need to grant yourself permission to recognize and appropriately express your emotions. Finding a way to express your feelings, whether it be via journaling or speaking with a close friend, can bring comfort and understanding. Your physical and emotional health may suffer as a result of grief. Make self-care activities that nourish and revitalize you a priority. Take up enjoyable hobbies, go for a walk in the park, meditate, or engage in other activities that make you happy.

It can be hard to navigate through the thoughts, feelings, and memories that become automatic during grief. Talk therapy may be appropriate for you at this time in your life as it helps clear the mind that a painful event has tangled up inside. 


Eric Hinojosa, LPC

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