Maintaining Mental Health in the Fall

Let's talk about how to maintain mental health during the Fall season.

The Fall can be a really happy time: a season filled with cooler weather after beating the Texas summer heat for FAR too long, time spent with friends and family over the holidays, excuses to eat great home cooked meals, and maybe even cozying up near a camp fire. For a lot of people, however, the Fall and Winter months can bring struggles with mental health. This may include family stressors coming to light over the holidays, financial stressors while getting prepared to participate in Thanksgiving dinners and prepping for Christmas gifts, as well as an increase in school and extracurricular activities. There is also the matter of the often dreaded time change. We have been so used to sunlight (sometimes a little too much), and as we experience less and less sunlight in the Fall, we may also experience a dip in our serotonin levels, which plays a major role in regulating our mood and emotions.This can make it difficult to feel happy, motivated, and energetic. This fluctuation is completely normal, so it is helpful for us to know our own personal warning signs that we may be struggling and find things or people that can help.

Here are a few things to consider to keep your mental health on track this season:

Find your support system: Although the Fall holidays are heavily centered around time with family, keep in mind that you get to choose who your family is whether they are related by blood or not. Not everyone has healthy relationships with their families and it is okay to set boundaries where needed to keep yourself safe and healthy. If you are estranged from family or do not have family that is alive, allow yourself to partake in *Friendsgivings* or be open to that invitation when a friend invites you to their family's home for dinner. Know your tribe and stick with them.

Stay active: This can be a hard one as it gets cooler and darker outside. This is also the time of year where we are eating wonderful, rich foods and cozying up in our homes. Remember to stay active throughout the week, even if it is not outside! Getting your body moving will help you to continue producing those "feel good" hormones that improve your mood. You'll also find that you will feel more motivated.

Engage in self-care: The holidays can be a stressful and busy time. Remember to find the fun in it all and be PRESENT with yourself and the people who surround you. Allow yourself to take in the fall spirit: the pumpkin spice, the pumpkin patches, the leaves changing color, the cool breeze in the air. Remember to allow yourself to hit the stop button and do things that make you feel good.

Give back: Giving back to others or your community can bring a sense of meaning to your life as well as help you to grow in confidence knowing that you have the power to make someone's day a little brighter. Giving back does not just have to be giving money or gifts. You can give of your time, words of encouragement, or simple acts of service to show others in your life that you care.

All in all, the season of Fall is all about change. Be gentle with yourself as your mood changes like the seasons, and remind yourself that you are not alone!

Happy Fall Y'all!

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