Impulsive Behavior: Looking Beyond Temporary Enjoyment

Impulsivity can be a disruption in many people's lives today. The guilt after the impulsive behavior can even set one back, diminishing all progress. Impulsivity eventually works its way into compulsion, becoming a habit. This is widely seen in addiction, however, it is pervasive in other areas such as shopping, eating, and intimacy.  Impulsivity begins with an urge.  Arguably this urge stems from some empty feeling that arises when triggered by our environment. If we can sit with this urge, calm our inner selves, and wait to see what this desire transforms into, we may find that the impulse to act has passed.  When talking about impulsivity I do not intend to align it with addiction purely.  Impulsivity is a symptom that has a role in disorders such as ADHD, mood disorders, and PTSD.  It is important to note that everyone at some point displays impulsive behavior and should not diagnose themselves when experienced. 

Repercussions of impulsivity can be extensive, affecting one's relationships, financial security, and general well-being. Impulsive reactions can cause strained social connections, spontaneous decisions that are not in line with long-term goals, and financial consequences from spending on the spur of the moment. In order to address the impact of impulsive conduct, it is imperative to identify its patterns and repercussions. When I get the opportunity I enjoy working in this area with my clients. I help my client reflect and explore the authentic alternatives to the quick fixes in life.  Quick fixes give us that little joy in life, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is most important to see if those quick fixes are true to becoming the best of ourselves. 

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