When Things Go Wrong

When Things Go Wrong

Eric Hinojosa


            Life is filled with change.  These changes may be small, and we can acclimate to them most of the time.  But what happens when these transitions are traumatic or threaten our livelihood? What happens when these transitions change how we live, and we can no longer enjoy what we used to enjoy?  Such changes are brought about by car accidents, being hurt on the job, a physical attack, or some unwanted experience that has forced you physically to change the way you live.  Your physical condition may even be temporary, but in the meantime, you are constantly visiting specialists, hoping for better answers.


How Can a Therapist Fix It?


            I have worked with many people after they experienced something that threatened their well-being.  If you are wondering by now, yes, I have often been asked by those clients what I can do for their condition, “How in the world can I talk this pain away?”  I certainly don’t promise a cure or claim to be an expert on your health.  I welcome you to explore the changes that have occurred, to allow yourself to see how you might have been affected in your career, possible family conflicts, ups and downs in your mood throughout the day, ways of coping, and most importantly, finding internal resilience.  Whether it’s stress management techniques, problem-solving skills, or mindfulness exercises, I offer you tools to cope effectively while listening to you in an effective way for you to settle your anxieties.


            Life transitions are unavoidable but can also present chances for positive transformation and personal development if they are met with the correct assistance. During these periods, therapy serves as a beacon of light, giving you the knowledge and skills to negotiate life's curveballs successfully. Therapy throughout life transitions is a proactive way to promote self-discovery, resilience, and a more satisfying life path.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



