Hispanic Culture and Therapy

Hispanic culture and therapy

Lets talk about mental health in the Hispanic community. Even though we have seen an increase of Hispanics tending to their mental health, I still find that there is continuous misconception that talking about your feelings and the acknowledgment of them is considered a weakness. Allow me to explain more:

Being Hispanic myself, I grew up with the misinformation that if you go see a therapist, you are considered crazy and weak. No one really teaches us that our feelings are valid or that expressing ourselves is considered healthy. I grew up with the famous saying from my sitters, "you want to cry, I will give you something to cry about." It wasn't until I sought my own therapy as an adult where I learned how unhealthy it is to suppress your feelings, to avoid being "weak." Through therapy, I learned the importance of externalizing my feelings; and most and foremost, I finally felt that my feelings DID matter...YOUR feelings DO matter.  

I felt the responsibility as a Latina, to emerge myself in the field and not only help people, but to further educate my community regarding the importance of mental health. Nothing makes me more proud when I see people getting the help they need, especially individuals from various ethnic backgrounds.

Going to therapy is not a sign of weakness; however, it's a strive to better yourself, to enhance your self awareness and heal. Going to therapy is also setting the example to younger generations to view mental health with the same priority of going to the doctor.

Let's break these cultural barriers and start the process of healing!

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